Royal Free London NHS Trust Decreases Device Loss Rate with Absolute Secure Endpoint

With Absolute Secure Endpoint, Royal Free London NHS Trust Recovers 55 Missing Devices in One Year

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The Royal Free London NHS is an NHS foundation Trust based in London, United Kingdom. It is one of the largest trusts in the country, employing more than 12,000 staff from 120 countries and serving a population of more than 1.6 million people across three main sites in London and Hertfordshire.

The Story

Improve Device Visibility

Ten years ago, Royal Free London NHS Trust did not have a seamless asset management solution. The Trust heavily relied on a manual process of recording assets, which provided no real oversight once they left any of its sites. At that time, with an organization of over 6,800, it became increasingly difficult to reclaim missing or stolen devices. Royal Free London NHS Trust needed to find a solution to manage their endpoints, no matter where they are.

Security Challenges

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Enhances Endpoint Visibility

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Maintains Compliance

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Reclaimed 55 Stolen Devices

"It’s nice to have more control, more confidence, and more visibility of unusual behavior, which we didn’t have before. My experience with Absolute has been brilliant; it’s an indispensable part of our endpoint management and protection now."

Monica Ralhan
Head of Endpoint Infrastructure and User Experience
Royal Free London NHS Trust

The Solutions

How They Did It

Reclaim Missing and Stolen Devices Across Growing Device Fleet

Royal Free London NHS Trust turned to Absolute Secure Endpoint in 2014 to help recover missing and stolen devices. From 2013 to 2023, the organization grew from 6,800 to 12,000, increasing the number of endpoints across its sites. Absolute Secure Endpoint has supported Royal Free London NHS Trust through this growth, providing the ability to track, locate, and freeze missing or stolen devices. In the past twelve months alone, Absolute Secure Endpoint has helped recover 55 stolen devices for the Trust.

Providing Real-Time Insights and Control Across all Endpoints

In addition to recovering missing devices, Absolute Secure Endpoint provided Royal Free London NHS Trust with more insights into its devices. Now armed with enhanced visibility into its endpoints, Royal Free London NHS Trust can understand where its assets are at any given time. With Absolute Secure Endpoint, the Trust can also generate reports to show devices that have not connected for 30 or 60 days and address those devices appropriately.

Meeting Compliance Needs and Improving Cybersecurity Awareness

Royal Free London NHS Trust also leverages Absolute Secure Endpoint to provide oversight of device health, especially with the increase of offsite devices and associated cyber risks with endpoints across multiple networks. Regular device updates ensure the Trust stays compliant with government standards; with Absolute, the Trust can effectively freeze at-risk or non-compliant devices and push any required updates. To improve cybersecurity awareness efforts, Royal Free London NHS Trust is creating an awareness plan to promote Absolute within the organization to improve the loss rate of internal thefts.

"Overall, the experience has been great with both the solution and the Absolute team who are always ready to assist."

Jit Jesani
Digital Endpoint Team Manager
Royal Free London NHS Trust

The Results

Strengthening Device Management and Cybersecurity

With more investment in cybersecurity and digital, Royal Free London NHS Trust is continuing to leverage Absolute Secure Endpoint to effectively manage its device fleet while also promoting the solution internally to further improve device loss rates.

For the Royal Free London NHS Trust, Absolute Secure Endpoint:

  • Assists in stolen devices recovery, recovering 55 stolen devices in 12 months
  • Provides greater endpoint visibility across the entire device fleet
  • Remediates outdated software and checks the health status of offsite devices
  • Maintains compliance by regularly updating devices
  • Tracks, locates, and freezes missing and/or stolen devices
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