Secure Endpoint

Secure Access

Absolute for Utilities

Delivering resilient and reliable endpoints and access for the energy, oil, and gas sectors

Secure and reliably connect your frontline operatives

Utility providers that operate electric grids, gas pipelines, and nuclear power plants are prime targets for cyberattacks. In addition, these industries require continuous transparency into industry standards and regulations, such as NERC CIP, PCI DSS, or SOX. It is a critical priority to provide a secure and efficient experience, while maintaining consistent network connections for these highly dispersed workforces.

Focused on what matters to you

We are committed to providing solutions that meet the unique and evolving needs of the energy, oil, and gas sectors

Track and manage device fleet remotely

Ability to freeze and wipe devices remotely

Reduced time to resolution for all field operatives

Zero Trust, encrypted security

Optimized connectivity for all devices and apps

Prepare for and efficiently recover from ransomware attacks

Reliable, resilient endpoints

Retain command of all your endpoints, all the time

  • Boost your endpoint visibility – on or off your corporate network. Collect hundreds of data points about your devices’ location, security posture, and hardware/software inventory.
  • Take advantage of critical control functions such as remote file deletion and data wipe, freezing devices when at-risk, end user messaging, and establishing geo-fences.

  • Leverage critical resilience functions to secure endpoints from threats, respond to security breaches, and enable application resilience to automatically self-heal applications.

Reliable, resilient access

Ensure secure and optimized network access

  • Leverage a secure, optimized tunnel built from the ground up for your workforce’s mobility and the modern edge
  • Deliver the best user experience for the software-defined perimeter
  • Leverage the best diagnostics and remediation for digital employee experience monitoring

G2 names Absolute a Leader in Zero Trust Networking

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