Absolute Secure Endpoint Enables Personalized Learning Program at Loudoun County Public Schools

Loudoun County Public Schools Minimizes Risk and Increases Device Utility with Absolute

Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) serves more than 78,000 students in 89 facilities, including 15 high schools, 15 middle schools, 57 elementary schools, and three special purpose schools. Each year, approximately 2,500 new students enroll in their schools, and up to three new school facilities are opened to accommodate the rapid growth. 

The Story

The Search For A Personalized Learning Solution

LCPS wanted to start a new personalized learning program. To increase productivity for both teachers and students, they had to replace desktops with tens of thousands of laptops. Before this initiative could move forward, the budget would have to be approved by the board. The school district needed a solution that would help them: 

  • Prevent device theft and secure sensitive data
  • Demonstrate device utilization rates – whether on or off the school network
  • Drive consensus that teachers require laptops to provide better digital learning experiences
  • Protect their investment in technology and ensure continued funding

Security Needs



Peace of

"We were able to provide the board with quantitative information about device utilization that drives consensus so the budget could be approved. Also, peace of mind with security, privacy, and theft recovery."


The Solutions

How They Did It

Simplifying Device Management

By working closely with Absolute Security and Dell, LCPS now gets their laptop images to include Absolute Secure Endpoint. Firmware-embedded Absolute Persistence® technology allows LCPS to remotely manage all devices throughout the district and freeze or wipe a device whenever necessary. 

Robust Reporting Helps Build The Case for a Personalized Learning Program

The implementation of Absolute Secure Endpoint was a turning point for LCPS. The data and device protection that Absolute Secure Endpoint provides was what the school district required to get funding for the personalized learning program. LCPS could provide the board with quantitative information on device utilization rates right away, proving that laptops were a necessary learning tool for both teachers and students. Consequently, technology refreshes have been secured for four additional years.  

Keeping Security and Privacy Top of Mind

With Absolute Secure Endpoint, the security department at LCPS now receives automated alerts on anomalies, allowing them to focus on reviewing potential security issues. If a device is stolen, it can be tracked and recovered. Privacy and security are also ensured through the ability to remotely manage devices and take action when necessary—regardless of user or device location. 

The Results

Increasing Value and Productivity while Minimizing Security Risks

The school system now has peace of mind about endpoint security, device theft recovery, and data privacy, and they have minimized their risk and increased the value and utility of their devices.

For LCPS, Absolute Secure Endpoint: 

  • Helps LCPS provide the board with quantitative information on device utilization rates right away to prove laptops were necessary tools for both teachers and students
  • Provides the security department at LCPS with automated alerts on anomalies
  • Allows the LCPS team to track and recover stolen devices
  • Enables LCPS to remotely manage all devices throughout the district and freeze or wipe a device if necessary

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