Education Data Visibility & Protection Endpoint Security

Digital Resiliency is a Key Distance Learning KPI

November 16, 2020

1 Min Read

If we’ve learned little else from the pandemic, it’s that the global health crisis is unpredictable. For months now, schools have been shifting across fully in-person to fully learn-from-home to somewhere in the middle with a hybrid approach as virus cases evolve in their communities. As a result of this and any number of other possibilities that could occur in the future, distance learning has proved to be a valuable part of a long-term strategy for student education. This means digital resiliency must become a key performance indicator (KPI) in K-12.

School IT teams wear many hats but one of their primary jobs is to keep students, staff and devices safe. Amid this very big goal is navigating the complexity that always comes with managing and securing a large number of mobile devices in one-to-one programs, not to mention the need to justify every dollar spent for the school leadership.

The challenges have grown: in our recently published report, ‘Distance Learning’s Impact on Education IT,’ we saw a 205 percent increase in the number of new devices first connecting to the internet this school year. In the second half of the last school year 20 percent of devices were missing, stolen, or unaccounted for. As of October, this increased to 36 percent this school year so far.

This means the workload is even more challenging for IT.

Visibility and Control

To overcome these surmountable challenges, IT teams need visibility and control of their entire device fleet, no matter where they are. But, where do you start?

Absolute customers can manage and secure their devices and data with a persistent, undeletable connection to every Chromebook, PC, and Mac. Total visibility means you can geolocate any device, anytime, anywhere. It allows you to respond to incidents and alerts immediately. It gives you the power to reach, freeze and wipe missing laptops — on or off your network.

Absolute is the only Endpoint Resilience solution that is factory-installed by every major PC manufacturer. Embedded in the firmware of over half a billion endpoints, chances are you already have this valuable tool. All you need to do is activate it for immediate visibility and control. With that, you have the insights needed to not only manage and secure them, but demonstrate they are secure and operating as intended.

Education Data Visibility & Protection Endpoint Security

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