Author: Robert Booker

Executive Vice President, Human Resources

With more than 20 years of passion and experience building high-performance teams and cultures that deliver results, Robert leads all aspects of HR, including workforce development and organization effectiveness, total rewards, talent acquisition, global inclusion and diversity, HR processes and information management. Robert previously served as EVP, HR for BG Group plc, a large UK oil and gas company and as CHRO for Ballard Power Systems in Vancouver. In addition, Robert has provided HR consulting expertise to a wide range of companies, most recently for a UK fintech company and a US/Israeli company developing digital twin models. Robert brings proven international leadership, having lived and served in executive roles across Canada, the UK, the US, Australia and Brazil. Robert also brings financial acumen, as he is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, a CPA in Canada, and he has a Master’s Degree in Finance from London Business School. He is also currently a doctoral candidate at Vanderbilt University in the field of organizational learning and leadership.

At Absolute, we are fortunate to have the privilege of working alongside veterans, and this week I had the chance to catch up with a few of them to ask what it was like to serve.
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