Author: Nicko van Someren

Chief Technology Officer

Nicko serves as Absolute’s Chief Technology Officer where he oversees the direction and strategic vision of Absolute’s product architecture and security roadmap. He has more than two decades of experience leading, developing and bringing to market disruptive security technologies. Prior to his role at Absolute, Nicko served as Chief Security Officer and Chief Information Officer at nanopay, Inc, a financial services technology company. He has also served as Chief Technology Officer at the Linux Foundation, Good Technology (now a part of BlackBerry) and nCipher (now a part of Entrust Datacard) as well as the Chief Security Architect at Juniper Networks. Nicko also serves as a board member and advisor for numerous startups and is a mentor for the Techstars accelerator program in Boulder, CO. He has a PhD from Trinity College and fellowships from the Royal Academy of Engineering and British Computer Society.

The frequency and variety of the application repairs that Absolute automates highlights the scale of the health problems among mission-critical endpoint tools, and the beneficial impact that automation can have in remediating these problems.
- 4 min read
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